Zoho vs HubSpot: Which CRM Offers Better Deal Stages

January 24, 2022

Zoho vs HubSpot: Which CRM Offers Better Deal Stages

When it comes to managing customer relationships, you want a CRM that helps you track your deals in a way that makes sense for your business. Two of the most popular options on the market are Zoho and HubSpot. In this article, we'll compare the deal stages offered by each CRM to help you determine which one is the better fit for your needs.

Zoho Deal Stages

Zoho offers a customizable pipeline view that allows you to see all of your deals in one place. By default, Zoho has four deal stages: Qualification, Needs Analysis, Proposal/Price Quote, and Negotiation/Review. However, you can easily add or remove stages to fit your sales process.

One of the benefits of Zoho's deal stages is that you can set up automatic actions and notifications to occur when a deal enters a specific stage. For example, you could set up an email to be sent to the customer when a deal moves from the Needs Analysis stage to the Proposal/Price Quote stage.

HubSpot Deal Stages

HubSpot also offers a customizable sales pipeline view. By default, HubSpot has three deal stages: Appointment Schedule, Qualified to Buy, and Presentation Scheduled. However, you can easily add, remove, or rename stages to fit your sales process.

One unique feature of HubSpot's deal stages is that you can set up tasks and reminders to occur when a deal enters a specific stage. For example, you could schedule a task for yourself to follow up with a lead two days after their presentation is scheduled.

Zoho vs HubSpot: Which CRM Offers Better Deal Stages?

When it comes to deal stages, both Zoho and HubSpot offer customizable options that can be tailored to fit your sales process. The biggest differences are in the available default stages and the automation options.

HubSpot's appointment scheduling stage may be helpful for businesses with longer sales cycles that require multiple touchpoints before a meeting is scheduled. However, Zoho's Negotiation/Review stage may be more useful for businesses that require multiple rounds of negotiation before closing a deal.

Overall, the decision between Zoho and HubSpot's deal stages will depend on your specific sales process and automation needs.


As always, we hope this comparison helps you make an informed decision! Until next time, keep comparing!

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